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What does Google’s “I Feel Lucky” button do?

Ana sayfa / Internet

Have you ever noticed Google’s famous “I’m Feeling Lucky” button? This strange and intriguing button manages to capture users’ attention with just a few words. But what is the story behind this button? It may be much deeper than the place of this seemingly simple button in the history of the internet and the impact of people’s searches. Here are all the intriguing details about this mysterious button of Google…

What is the I Feel Lucky button?

You may not have realized it, but the Google search engine is more than 20 years old. Launched in 1997, Google quickly overtook other search engines to become the most important search engine in the world.

The Google search engine is characterized by the fact that it allows you to search for any term and offers similar results on various web pages. In the past, however, this was not possible. Every website had to be written directly. For this reason, Google has entered our lives as a very useful medium, making the work of internet users easier.

Google, which has undergone a great transformation over time and has been developing more and more every day, has actually renewed itself from top to bottom over the years, except for one small point. The “I’m feeling lucky” button, a popular feature of the search engine, has always kept its place. But have you ever wondered what this button is? What does Google’s never-aging button do? In this content, we have gathered all the relevant details for you.

What does the I Feel Lucky button do?

The main purpose of the “I’m feeling lucky” button is to take the user to the first result of the search. This feature can be used to save the time you would spend clicking through all the options to find an answer to the search.

However, the result may not always be as relevant as expected. This is because Google will automatically redirect to the first link that appears as a search result. Sometimes this may be the most relevant link for your answer, but other times you may get completely irrelevant results.

The “I feel lucky” button can even be used without having to type anything. When the user taps it, they will be automatically redirected to the Google Doodles page, which are personalized versions of the search engine to honor commemorative dates, holidays and more.

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